Warding, Shielding, and Sigils, Oh My!
Sunday at 12 PM – 3 PM
Private home in Kensington, MDThis class will be an overview of methods to ward and shield home, objects and yourself. You will also learn how to create sigils that can be used in wards. There will be experiential components as well as discussion.
$20 (proceeds going to the New Alexandrian Library)REGISTER
Click “Reserve a spot” in the event listing. We will then provide you the event address.
You can PayPal $20 to paypal.me/fawsasw or bring cash to the class.BRING
Participants should bring open heart, open mind, and a notebook wouldn’t hurt either. Having a pendulum is helpful, but not necessary.INSTRUCTOR
Karen Bruhin is High Priestess of the ASW coven Tenders of the Earth Temple, located in Philadelphia, PA. She is also the leader of the Order of the Gryphon, the group charged with the overall protection of the ASW, its covens and allied houses. She has been in the role of protector in the ASW for over 10 years, and a member of the Assembly for about 2 decades.