Parade of Spirits, Liberty Lands
Parade of Spirits, Liberty Lands
it happens every year – as soon as halloween passes, the LIKES on
this page start creeping up. even when i change the name of the event!!so we would like to greet all the new folks who are liking the page,
and just remembered we have a good way to get you acquainted with us
(even though when i did this talk we were still krampuslauf, parade of
spirits). we have just become inclusive of more spirits!here is my ignite philly talk from spring ‘15, and a few tweets from that
night. since then we have become a “magical destination of the
northeast” and we are excited for this year (and more prepared by this
date than we usually are!)this year PARADE OF SPIRITS, LIBERTY LANDS is on DECEMBER 17th at 4PM in LIBERTY LANDS. more to come.