In Montclair, pagans celebrate the dark night of the Solstice : page all –
In Montclair, pagans celebrate the dark night of the Solstice : page all –
At Mystic Spirit this year, Maggi Setti, a third-degree initiate, or a High Priestess, of the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, a Wiccan nonprofit religious organization in the Mid-Atlantic region, will hold a Yule ritual. On Thursday, Dec. 20, at 7 p.m., Setti will lead a “Geburic Cord Cutting Ritual” to mark the Solstice. The ritual will include Qabalistic elements, said Setti, that is, elements originally drawn from the Jewish mystic tradition Qabalah, transformed through the traditions of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, which inspired much of modern paganism. Participants, she said, will perform a symbolic cutting of threads attached to their wrists.