Sacred Space 2019 | The Wild Hunt

Michael Smith & Gwendolyn Reece

HUNT VALLEY, Md. – The 2019 Sacred Space Conference opened at the Hunt Valley Inn on March 21, 2019. “Sacred Space is an annual Pagan and magical conference on the East Coast that is specifically for intermediate and advanced practitioners,” said Gwendolyn Reece, board member, and president of the Sacred Space Foundation. “We consider ourselves to be a part of the emerging infrastructure for Pagans and magical practitioners of all traditions.”

In 2020, the Sacred Space Foundation will be partnering with the Delaware-based Assembly of the Sacred Wheel to offer a combined conference. “Between the Worlds is an event, hosted by the Assembly of the Sacred Wheel, that functions as a fundraiser for the New Alexandrian Library, and is held at certain astrological times to magically address certain needs,” said Reece. “The intended audience is intermediate to advanced practitioners and it is in the same region [as Sacred Space].”

Read more: Sacred Space 2019 | The Wild Hunt

