Monthly Archive: February, 2019

Delmarva Pagan Pride Festival | Program Teaser | Upcoming ASW Events | The Assembly Of The Sacred Wheel

Kitty Bronson We seek information and guidance and the gifts surround us in nature, the turning fo the seasons and all of life’s journey… Program Teaser: Life Cycle and Nature in the Runes-Presented by Kitty Bronson, a Witch, a Freyja’s woman and daughter of Njordhr…..The Elder Futhark is split into 3 “aetts”. We will explore these 3 aetts and the...

Embracing a community’s practice to promote the measles vaccine | Penn Today

Embracing a community’s practice to promote the measles vaccine | Penn Today …during their fall semester abroad in Jerusalem, they used their background and what they’ve learned in nursing school to create an outreach program promoting the measles vaccine geared at an ultra-religious Jewish group called Haredi. Because many in that community get their news from black-and-white posters called pashkevilim...